By making a donation to the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, you contribute to its mission of providing all children with cancer the best chance of recovery. Here are some ways you can offer your support :
The Yapla platform allows us to avoid a significant expense by covering the transactional fees. In return, it suggests a voluntary contribution from you. You are free to modify the amount or not contribute to the platform, without penalizing the Foundation. Just click on "Modify" next to the suggested contribution in the payment summary. This fee is not included in the receipt for tax purposes if you are entitled to it. We appreciate your consideration regarding this option, in order to support our mission, together towards a cancer-free childhood.
To make a donation by check
Please send your check made out to the Fondation Charles-Bruneau to 4515, rue de Rouen, Montréal, Québec H1V 1H1.
Download the donation form here.