Agropur's campaign "My donation My Cause"

Mobilizing for a future without cancer 

Many of us have been touched, in one way or another, by cancer. Whether it's because a family member, a loved one's child or a colleague's child is affected by this disease, we want to get involved in this cause and make a real difference. 

That's why we've created an online donation platform specifically for our team, and over the coming months we'll be organizing a host of fundraising activities for our plant employees, all for the benefit of the Charles-Bruneau Foundation. These will help fund research and give all children with cancer the best possible chance of recovery. 

Testimonial from our colleague François Bazinet, Technical Process Manager 

"Two years ago, our family life changed quite drastically. Our little girl, Aria, then aged 2 years and 9 months, was diagnosed with stage 4 yolk sac cancer. At that moment, we knew that our family was about to go through one of the worst trials and that it would change us forever. 

Waking up every morning and wondering if your child is going to be all right. Wishing that he would feel comfortable despite the four walls of the hospital and the multitude of treatments, tests and medications he would have to undergo to feel better and fight this disease called cancer.  

After more than four operations, 11 cycles of chemotherapy and several batteries of tests, we can now say that our little Aria is in remission. This ordeal, which has not been easy for our family, has opened our eyes to one thing: life can be very fragile and can change at any moment.  

We are extremely grateful for the advances in research that have saved our little girl's life. 

Now it's time for us to help other families who also have to go through this kind of ordeal and cope with their child's cancer diagnosis." 

Agropur pledges to match every dollar raised for the Charles-Bruneau Foundation 

As a cooperative, Agropur recognizes the importance of giving back and of being an agent of change in the communities in which it operates. 

That's why Agropur is committed, through its My Gift, My Cause initiative, to donating $1 for every dollar raised by our team on this online donation platform, as well as during our fundraising activities. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

The team at Agropur's Granby


Pediatric cancer in Quebec

  • Every day in Quebec, a child is diagnosed with cancer.
  • Every week in Quebec, a child dies of cancer.
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children aged 0 to 18.
  • Cancer strikes 1 in 400 children before the age of 15.
  • More than half of these children are under 5 years of age at the time of diagnosis.
  • The cure rate for the main types of cancer has risen from 30% in 1980, to over 80% today.
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Donor list

Creation DateFirst nameLast nameCommentAmount
08-01-2024FrancineMajor25.00 $
08-01-2024Anonymous donationUne très belle initiative de votre part ! Bravo ! *****
08-01-2024ClaudetteTourangeau10.00 $
08-01-2024OlivierSimard100.00 $
08-01-2024FrançoisBazinetEnsemble contre le cancer 100.00 $
08-02-2024Jean-FrancoisDube100.00 $
08-02-2024SandraPelletier-Cyr50.00 $
08-02-2024SylvainJeanson50.00 $
08-02-2024AlexandraTeyssédou20.00 $
08-02-2024KarenBakerMerci a l'équipe de Granby de supporter notre collègue Francois, sa fille et toute sa famille!100.00 $
08-05-2024EmileCordeau250.00 $
08-07-2024NathalieLeducAucune famille ne devrait passer par ce genre d'épreuve !! Belle initiative !25.00 $
08-07-2024ThierryMartin50.00 $
08-07-2024HardipSandhu51.00 $
08-07-2024MarianneSimard20.00 $
08-07-2024MathieuDesfossés100.00 $
08-07-2024KennethPetersen50.00 $
08-07-2024MyriamDucharmeBelle initiative de l'équipe de Granby, Bravo50.00 $
08-07-2024Anonymous donation100.00 $

77 Number of donors

1 2 3 4
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